On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 11:27:34AM +0200, Marcel Lanz wrote:
> at the moment I parse huge logfiles like /var/log/messages and I am
> suprised that the date string doesn't include the year in the timestamp.

The idea I guess is that if you actually keep the logs for more
than a year you're probably putting them into a tarball along the
lines of "2001-04.tar.gz" or somesuch, and otherwise you don't
care, so the year is superfluous.

> can I configure the logfile format to include the year number ?

not in the standard syslogd, at least.

If you really care you could add it to the logs (while rotating
if nowhere else), but it really sounds pointless.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Mi complejo de superioridad es mejor que el tuyo.
                -- Graffiti. 

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