On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 03:23:16PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> I'm running ReiserFS under 2.2.18 with no problems.  I've also heard
> persistant rumors of "not there yet" under 2.4, including from several
> kernel hackers, and have no plans to migrate until I hear differently.
> I haven't talked to Hans Reiser about this.

The problems with corruption on small files was the last
outstanding bug, and the fix went in in the 2.4.3-pre* series (so
it's in 2.4.3 already).

You need reiserfsprogs-3.x.0j from unstable, of course.

Of course if there turn out to be problems in the 2.4.x VM,
you're SOL even in ext2 too.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:

O inimigo avança, retiramos. O inimigo acampa, provocamos. O inimigo cansa, 
atacamos. O inimigo se retira, perseguimos

--Mao Tsé-Tung

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