On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:28:55PM +0100, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:32:43AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
> > <snip,snip,snip>
> > > > Have you considered implementing this as a fortune type deal rather than
> > > > your perl script?
> karl and romain -- this indeed looks easy. but it feels like i'll
> be adding comments and tips daily if not hourly, for a while at
> least. maybe when it calms down a bit, i'll hammer it into a
> fortune database.

adding a new tip:

echo % >> my_tip_fortune_db
cat new_tip >> my_tip_fortune_db
strfile my_tip_fortune_db

how hard is that ? fortune can take an absolute filename as input, so
you don't have to worry about copying it to /usr/share

> > > what i had considered, tho, is rube-goldberg-ing a web page allowing
> > > anyone to add tips (with heavy regex behind to scenes to check for
> > > duplication) of their own, and then offer a random tip via a finger-like
> > > service on a publicly-accessible port, to the community at large.

newbiedoc.sourceforge.net doesn't have 'fortune' which is sad, but I used
php to add a fortune cookie at the bottom of my web page:
<?php system("/usr/games/fortune -s"); ?>

We probably could use a similar php trick on the newbiedoc homepage, using a
homemade script instead of 'fortune'.

> Why are *.rpm (RED HAT PACKAGES) considered spawn of Satan?

I thought it that telnet was spawn of Satan ?
Does that mean Satan's multithreaded ???

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