
        I'm trying to get quake-x11 running but w/o luck to now.
        I have apt-installed quake-x11 with all its dependencies but
whenever I try to start it I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ quake-x11
Removing symlink ./idsw/pak0.pak
Removing symlink ./idsw/base
Removing symlink ./qw/qwprogs.dat
ln: `/home/mario/.quake/./idsw/pak0.pak': File exists
ln: `/home/mario/.quake/./qw/qwprogs.dat': File exists
ourbase /usr/share/games/quake/idsw
basename of ourbase idsw
QuakeForge (UQuake) v0.1.1
Added packfile ./base/pak0.pak (339 files)
FindFile: can't find gfx/pop.lmp
Console initialized.
UDP Initialized
Exe: 04:27:41 Feb 27 2000
 8.0 megabyte heap


        And nothing happens from this point! I have to Crtl+C it!

        Any help?

Mario O.de Menezes            "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
    IPEN-CNEN/SP                 is the Lord's purpose that prevails"
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario                 Prov. 19.21

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