One question/suggestion:

Is samba running from inetd or as a standalone server? That's probably
not directly applicable to your situation (now that I fully read your
email...), but may not hurt.

My W2K memory is fuzzy, but I recall that W2K is setup to time out and
essentially disconnect from the server after 30 min or so, then
transparantly reconnect if you use the share again. I have a hunch that
this is related to your problem. You might want to check the server
setup to see if there's a switch to correct/change that.


Robert Hawkey wrote:
> I know this probably isn't the best list for this question but...
> We've got several machines set up in our office running Debian, RedHat
> and Slackware Linux that all mount a share on our Windows 2000 server.
> If any of the machines don't use the share for longer than a half hour
> or so Samba crashes and you can no longer access the share.  If you do
> an ls on the share it will say "ls: Input/Output error".
> When the crash occurs you cannot umount the mounted folder, all that
> happens when you type "umount /sambashare" is umount runs, and quits
> with no messages, but when you try to remount the share it tells you
> that the share is already mounted.  The only way to get the share back
> is to reboot the machine.
> Does anyone know why this is happening?
> Here's the command we use to mount the share:
> mount -t smbfs -o
> username=<user>,password=<password>,rw,fmask=0777,dmask=0777
> //<SHARE NAME> <folder on our machines>
> Thanks,
> Robert Hawkey

Rich Puhek               
ETN Systems Inc.         

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