On Thu, 17 May 2001, Wayne wrote:

>Hi All,
>I search the web for an answer, but came up short.
>Occasionally I get some junk mail that  will hang
>my system and won't let me get my mail. So I
>telnet into my isp an look for the culprit. The
>command I use is "retr #" <---"#" is the message number.
>What command do I use to delete the said message.


>When I do "?" or type "help" I get command
>unknown. I called my isp to find out what command
>they use, they did'nt know. Also, can anyone
>recommend a good book on the subject?

<a mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Who is John Galt?</a>

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
        -- Ferenc Mantfeld

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