Jan Enning wrote (on 20 May 2001, at 21:17):

> > I am new to Debian Linux. After downloading files from BASE-i386 and
> > DISK-i386 directory, i've tried to install debian.  I typed INSTALL  and
> > the install.bat file run. After loading some modules, I am stuck to the
> > the following message:
> > 
> > Kernel Panic : VFS : Unable to mount root on FS on 01:00
> > 
> > What have I missed?  Please help!

Similar experience yesterday trying to repair the installation 
on my Toshiba. (I needed to neutralize /etc/init.d/pcmcia in 
order to boot after stupidly apt-get-upgrading to a wrong 
package.) Anyway, I recently upgraded my iso images from 2.2 r0 
to r3, and now the gear in the "install" directory on CD 1 only 
got me as far as the same message you noted. Fortunately I still 
had the 2.2 r0 CDs with me, and they worked!

Has something been broken? Is anyone interested in more detail?


-- Tony Crawford
-- +49-3341-30 99 99

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