On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:34:20AM +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
> Sorry, I did not express myself clear enough. This sed thing changes
> every line in the "wget-script" script. This, I did easily with emacs
> (while sed is much more elegant). My problem is: I do not want to do
> hundreds of 
> mv package1_1xxxxx3a.deb package1_1%3a.deb
> mv package2_1xxxxx3a.deb package2_1%3a.deb and so on
> Any idea how to do this automatically?

Use mmv.


I tell ya, I was an ugly kid.  I was so ugly that my dad kept the kid's
picture that came with the wallet he bought.
                -- Rodney Dangerfield

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