On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 03:43:47PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> get a real mail client that supports RFCs.  the relevant RFC is 2015
> i reccommend mutt

Supporting RFCs is fine and should be encouraged, but from what I've
seen there is not another mail reader in existance that can verify
mutt's attached signatures.  I wrestled with this for a very very long
time when switching to mutt.  I've read the mutt developers' reasons for
why inline sigs are bad, but when doing things the "right way" breaks
things for everybody else, that's a bad situation.

I know mutt people just come back and say "well everybody else is
broken", but that argument just doesn't hold weight with me.  Maybe mutt
needs to wait until the rest of the world catches up to it, or, if the
world has no intention of ever catching up to it, maybe the RFC needs


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