On Sun, 27 May 2001 06:07:24 EDT, Marc wrote:

> What are the proper lines to put in /etc/apt/sources.list to upgrade
> from stable to testing?  I seem to recal someone on the list saying to
> replace the lines for stable with:
> deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free

That line is correct, leave unstable out of it, unless you want sid.

> but this will also get packages from unstable, which I would prefer not
> to do at this time.  If I do make these changes and do an 'apt-get
> update/upgrade' then apt wants to upgrade 188 packages on my box, add 40
> some packages and delete 11 packages.  If I only have the line for
> testing in my sources.list then 'upgrade' only wants to change 7
> packages and 'dist-upgrade' also updates only 7 packages and wants to
> delete 3 others.  There is much that simply does not exist in testing
> that is in stable and unstable.  I thought that testing was a complete
> set of packages, but this does not seem to be the case.  Can anyone
> explain exactly the way packages flow through the system, including when
> a new release becomes stable?

Testing is a bit screwy right now, but word is it should be fixed sometime 
soon. AFAIK, there's something wrong with the Packages file, but I could 
be wrong. 

I'd wait a day or so so they can get everything repaired.  Anyone know 
more or more accurate info?

Paul T. Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-currently seeking employment-

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