On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 06:59:45PM +0200, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
| Paul Wright wrote:
| > I use gmx.net < http://gmx.net/ >.  They also allow you to use them as
| > your Smart Mailer using cram-md5 login.  I use masqmail to fetch my mail
| > from my gmx.net and another account and send all mail out through gmx.
| > 
| > Works great for me, but they do require that you fill out a questionaire.
| > No spam so far (three weeks)
| What about that crappy newspaper they sent out every week or so?  Is
| there a way to disable it or don't you count that as spam?

That newspaper probably has some pretty consistent properties, like
the From or Subject field, right?  Just dump it to /dev/null using


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