> Hi,
> Well, I'm getting ready to install Debian
> for the first time and would like to get
> the groups opinion  on  a book I'm going
> to purchase. The book's  title is
> "Debian GNU/Linux Bible" and was published
> this year. I plan on using the CD to do my
> install.
> Thanks.
> Wayne
> -- 

I have not seen the book you have mentioned. Yet you might want to check the 
online docs found on www.debian.org and the debian packages from the CD that 
contain guides and similar stuff. These might get you started as well.
        Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hillel used to say: If I am not for myself who will be for me?
Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when?
                                          (Ethics Of The Fathers 1:14)

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