On Sun, Jun 03, 2001 at 01:27:08AM +0200, Jeroen Valcke wrote:

> I want to invoke the xscreensaver(daemon) automatically after I
> logged in.  I added this line to my .xinitrc file
>       # Start xscreensaver daemon
>       xscreensaver &
> However it doesn't work. What's wrong. Adding to the .xinitrc
> file is correct isn't?


Since you want xscreensaver to start automatically after logging
in, I am assuming that you are "logging into X", i.e., using a
display manager like xdm or wdm. If that is the case, I suggest
you put the above lines in $HOME/.xsession. From the startx(1x)

  "X sessions started from xdm will  completely disregard the
  .xinitrc file."

I use wdm, and here is my .xsession file:


        ssh-add < /dev/null
        export XAPPLRESDIR=$HOME/.Xapplres
        xsetroot -mod 4 4 -bg rgb:6/8/8 -fg rgb:78/a/a
        xclock -digital -bg Gray85 -fg Black -geometry -0+0 &
        xscreensaver -no-splash &
        rxvt --title "Login Shell" --loginShell --geometry -17+38 &
        exec flwm

The permissions for my .xsession are 700. As you see, I too start
xscreensaver at login, and it works fine for me.

AFAIK, this should work even if you use startx to initiate an X
session. Again from the startx(1x) manpage:

  Note that in the Debian GNU/Linux system, what many people
  traditionally put in the .xinitrc file should go in .xsession
  instead; the idea is that the  user's X  environment should
  look and act the same whether startx, xdm, or xinit is used to
  start the X session.

I think the reason for this becomes clear if we look at

  # by default simply do the same thing as xdm X sessions
  . /etc/X11/Xsession


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