On Sun, Jun 03, 2001 at 09:03:30AM -0400, Jonathan Freiermuth wrote:

:Short answer - yes.
:Real  answer - yes, if you are willing to learn.
:I've never personally used Corel, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess
:that Corel did its best to hide the complexities of Linux from the user.
:Debian is a powerful system, and as such requires more knowledge
:about how and why things work. In other words, you can probably install
:debian off of an official CD, no problem, but you may have to recompile
:your kernel to enable reading the NTFS volume.

I've never used Corel either so caveat lector, but if it's Debian
derived, can't he just edit /etc/apt/sources and do a dist-upgrade?

This would leave the kernel in tact and let him keep all his data and
whatever frobs he likes from Corel.


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