On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 02:04:11PM +1000, Renai LeMay wrote:
:just a quick question for those adminning large networks out there -
:what software package do you use for notifications etc? I am a junior admin 
:in a large network of linux/freebsd machines, and looking at implementing a 
:system based upon netsaint, which I consider will do all I need (when 
:combined with mysql), however my senior admin seems to think NOCOL
:is a better system.

We switched from NOCOL to Netsaint about a year ago (both using qpage
to sent text pages in emergencies).

I don't much remember why we switched, but Netsaint seem less prone to
false positives, able to monitor more details, better able to keep and
display history, and the pretty web interface is nice too.

Some of this may be better configuration rather than inherent
superiority, but Netsaint does the job for me.

services status (SMTP, NFS, HTTP etc.)
load (number of users, process load, file system capacity)
unusual latency
machine room temp
even printer status
and so much more...


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