
Usually cd player doesn't require you to mount the
cdrom drive, you just put audio cd in and start for
example workborn (a cd player) then you are off. Make
sure that the sym link /dev/cdrom linked to the
actuall cdrom device you have in your system (like
/dev/hdb or /dev/hdd ) and you have the correct
permission to access that device ; workborn will tell
you how to if it finds incorrect permision.
TO find which name stand for cdrom drive, look at the
kernel message at boot or run dmesg to see whether it
is /dev/hdb or /dev/hdd

Hope it helps

--- Michael Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is
there a special command to mount an audio CD?  I
> am having trouble getting 
> any of the CD-Players to find the CD-ROM drive (they
> say it is not mounted), 
> and have not been able to find the proper file
> system type to mount it with.
> I am thinking I may possibly need a symbolic link to
> '/cdrom' or '/dev/cdrom' 
> to simply fix the problem, but wanted to verify that
> there was nothing else 
> that I needed to do.  My CD-ROM is usually mounted
> as '/cdimage' as that is 
> what my Libranet/Debian distro looks for in some of
> its scripts.  Also, it is 
> device '/dev/hdd'.  These are the reasons that I was
> thinking a symbolic link 
> might fix it.
> Thanks!
> Michael
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