Hi there,

I've uploaded gnapster 1.5.0 to sid. Many bugfixes and UI improvements.

I've also made builds for potato, available at
http://people.debian.org/~madhack/gnapster-potato. Aptable:

deb http://people.debian.org/~madhack/gnapster-potato/ ./
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~madhack/gnapster-potato/ ./

These are "unsupported", bugs go to me, not the BTS. Enjoy.

Mike Markley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG: 0x3B047084 7FC7 0DC0 EF31 DF83 7313  FE2B 77A8 F36A 3B04 7084

"That boy's about as sharp as a pound of wet liver"
- Foghorn Leghorn

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