temporal displacement alert -- 2000 july 5?

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 09:20:46PM +0930, Peter Whittam wrote:
> Ok, I am new at this so be cool about it.
> when I start debian it immediately uses the graphical login,
> can I change this option to console login?
> regards newbee

you're running a "display manager" such as "kdm" or "gdm" or
"xdm" among others. it's probably drawing its windows and
menus and pointers on your virtual display #7, as that's
how debian is set up by default: virtual displays #1 thru #6
are text consoles.

to launch X from a text console (even if you're on text
console #3 the X display stuff will wind up at virtual display
#7 unless you change the defaults) try



to see which graphical login "?dm" you're using, try

        ps ax|grep dm
          287 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/kdm
          292 ?        S    121:02 /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dpi 75 -nolisten tcp -auth 
        11116 pts/0    S      0:00 grep dm

you can see i'm using kdm (/usr/bin/kdm).


to swtich from X display to a console, try

        ALT-CONTROL-F1 (or F2, F3, F4, F5, F6).

to switch from a console to any other display,
the CONTROL key is optional.

to get back to X window display manager, do F7 as in



if you want to DISABLE the XDM/KDM/GDM graphical login
altogether, try (as root)

        # /etc/init.d/?dm stop

[where ? is the proper initial] and then to completely
ERADICATE it from your system, do

        # apt-get --purge remove ?dm

[again with the propersubstitution for ?]

Did you know you have MORE THAN ONE CONSOLE to use? There's six,
by default: try Control-Alt-F6 to see console six, Ctl-Alt-F3 for
console 3, and so forth. (If you don't use the X window display
system, you don't need to include the control key.) Each console
can have its own login, running its own jobs. Very handy!

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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