On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 04:14:56PM -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:
:> On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 09:09:51PM -0000, Em Huynh
:> wrote:
:> Hi all,
:> I got a little network (100baseT w/switch) going with win2k
:> and debian. When I transfer from my debian box (p3 566
:> w/ultra 66 hd) it seem to peak at about 3000k-4000k.

I'm assuming those are kilo-bytes ont kilo-bits...

I don't think that's that surprising.  I'm seeing 6500kB-8500kB between two
PII 400Mhz SCSI systems on 100baseT full duples through a Bay Networks
switch. (on an 8.4MB gzipped file)

If there's any other traffic to or from either machine, this will drop.

In more real world situation, I'm connected to a local Debian mirror
over 100Mb with 1000Mb backbone and usually see 1200kB or so transfers

:Someone will surely correct me if I'm wrong, but I think "full
:duplex" basically means the network card will receive and
:transmit at the same time. "Half-duplex" means it receives
:data, then sends back confirmation, receives some more, sends
:back, etc, etc. This could apply to either 10 base-t or 100
:base-t speeds. You *may* be running at 10Mb/s full duplex.
:Those speeds suggest the same...

More or less right, for unidirectional traffic full-duplex is only
marginally better than half-duplex.


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