On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 12:19:32PM -0400, Noah Meyerhans wrote:

:Which model are you getting?  I've got a 3650, and am running Familiar
:on it (http://familiar.handhelds.org).  Feel free to come downstairs and
:talk to me about it (NE43-234).  There are a whole mess of people in LCS
:who have iPaqs running Linux.

I actually know surprisingly little about what I'm getting, whatever
version Compaq is handing out to the Oxygen project that they're
calling "Handy 21's", pretty sure it's a 3650.

Thanks for the URL.

:The Familiar distribution is based on Debian, although they never seem
:to come right out and say that. 

That's good to know.

:You really don't want to try installing a full Debian system on an iPaq.
:There is nowhere near enough space on the thing for it.

Well not full certainly, but according to
http://www.debian.org/ports/arm/ you can do Debian, though there's no
clear install procedure.

:If you haven't already, you'll want to get a jacket that adds a PCMCIA
:slot for it.  It works very well on the wireless network, and can
:actually be useful if networked.

Oh yeh, definately getting that.  I tried for the integrated video
cam, but apparently there's only six demo models in the world just
yet, and I don't rank one of those :)

The whole point in me getting it is to make it a useful network
device.  The idea is to hackup some PAM modules (or something) so that
anyone from anywhere can pick this up and access they're networked
resources with this as a portal type device.  So you'd be able to come
up, grab this thing and login with:

ipaq login: ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]
            vnc://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1

and without any direct knowlege of you or your account info the ipaq
could get you connected.

Well anyway I've only been thinking about this for about 72h, and the
next step is to see if anyone with a larger clue is already working on this.


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