Hello to all,

i have a network with diskless X workstations running. Every client is asking 
the server for everything above the Xserver (using ver 4.0.3) with XFree86 
-query sonne (where sonne is the name of the server).

On the server X is configured to answer these requests and everything is 
working very well, but there is a little problem:

in kdm.options there is using of sessreg enabled (use-sessreg) (and sessreg 
is installing and working, of course), but with the commands users or who, i 
can only see the last logged in user and the console users directly on the 
server, of course. For example user test logs in on one of the workstations, 
users gives me the following:

test root root

(2 root consoles), also if there are 3 or 4 other users logged in. With who i 
get even the right client display (for example test2.test.de:0). 

If this user logs out only "root root" is given back. The other users don't 
ahow anywhere, also if i can see their processes with ps axu or top.

I read in the manual page to sessreg that sessreg is calculating a slot for 
each login with the file /etc/ttys and /etc/X11/Xservers. So I added for 
every client an entry to Xservers, just to make sure sessreg could find the 
clients. But the file /etc/ttys doesn't exist on my server and the debian 
package search doesn't return any package which contains it.

Has anyone got a similiar problem or can at least tell me what I have to 
write to /etc/ttys to let this work?



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