On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 06:34:23AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Can anyone recommend any package for creating mp3s from CDs (yes, I do own 
> them :) under Debian? I tried searching the package list but there was 
> nothing obvious, only players it seemed.
> For bonus points you might also like to recommend a sound card, as 
> I'm not sure that mine (Yamaha WF192XG) works too well (or at all)
> using GPL-type software.
> Thanks,
> Gary, soon getting some RF headphones and wants to turn his computer 
> into a jukebox :-D
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G'day Gary,

I use Grip as a GUI, it includes the cdparanoia ripper so you don't need to
install the cdparanoia package unless you want to also rip from the console
to encode MP3's I use gogo which is an enhanced version of the lame encoded
optimised for speed, ( it about 2x faster with no loss of quality) you can get
the source from freshmeat, and will need to install nasm to get it to compile



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