On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 08:01:07PM -0700, Nick Jennings wrote:

: You are missing the point, installing software and it's dependencies is
: one hurdle debian has cleared. But there is much more than that. There
: is getting your video card working, your monitor sync set right, your
: sound and peripherals working correctly. 

No argument here, most of this pain is install time rather than
maintenance related.  If the install time detection were better,
simpler, whatever that would also cover maintenence (like a new video

: Things that I know can be very difficult to an average to new user
: of linux. I have installed debian
: countless times, as well as other distro's and I know for sure that
: debian has close to the worst hardware detection around, this does not
: phase me because I can manage to get things working and once they are,
: debian is a breeze.

That's my point, once it's working you don't have to worry about
where to get the right libraries, or bit rot in some mammoth machine
managed registry file.

: From your post you seem to be under the idea that there is nothing
: to impove with debian because of apt-get.

I must have misrepresented myself, apt-get rocks for software
management, but there are other things and there's always room for


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