I think it could use some clarification that one has suggested
installing gpm and someone else has stated that "gpm can cause
problems". I hope I can make things clearer without just adding to the

(Start by reading Joost's message regarding mouse hardware.)

When you say your mouse isn't working, I assume you mean it's not
working under X. Have you tried it on the console? If you have gpm
installed and configured correctly, you should see a mouse cursor when
you move the mouse on the console, and should be able to use your
mouse to copy and paste text there.

I'll try to describe what I've found to be the best mouse
setup, one that works fine on the console and in X.

First, I find it's altogether the least amount of headache if you
ensure that there is no /dev/mouse symlink on your system. Figure out
what port your mouse is plugged into by reading Joost's message and
use that explicitly in your gpm config. You can set this up by using
the gpmconfig program.

Along the way, it will ask for a protocol to use for the repeater.
What this does is it creates a "virtual mouse" by echoing data in the
mouse protocol of your choice into /dev/gpmdata.

You should then configure X to use /dev/gpmdata as its device, and
tell it to use the protocol you chose as the gpm repeat protocol. I
believe gpm defaults to repeat in the "ms3" protocol, which can be
understood by X if you use Option "Protocol" "Microsoft" in your
/etc/X11/XF86Config. Alternatively, you can specify any protocol you
like in your gpm repeater config, as long as you tell X to use the
same protocol. As someone else suggested, you can tell gpm to repeat
as type 'raw' in which case you should configure X to use the actual
protocol that your mouse is speaking. From the sound of things, it
speaks at least 2 different protocols. It's easiest to figure it out
with gpm, and then mirror that in XF86Config.

I realize this isn't an in-depth walkthrough, but I hope it will help
you understand how the two systems can share the mouse and how to
configure them. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate
to ask.


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