also sprach nico de haer (on Wed, 27 Jun 2001 11:06:13PM +0200):
> I've tried this '32 Gb clip' and it does allow me to boot using my 40 Gb,
> but i've been unable to get access to the last 8 Gb. I've been experimenting
> with the 'hdx=c,h,s' parameter but all i can get are screens filled with all
> kinds of hdd related errors rangeing from 'bad superblock' to 'seek error'
> and loads of others. Have you found a way to access the full drive capacity?

no, i have said to myself that 32Gb is enough anyway. i am not a
gamer, nor an mp3 person, and i won't fill 32Gb anyway, especially
since this is like my fourth system.

but hey, i have nothing on that drive right now, so i'll spend some
time tonight to figure it out, okay?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
windoze nt crashed.
i am the blue screen of death.
no one hears your screams.

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