"Darryl L. Pierce" wrote:
> I have ESS Maestro 2E sound hardward on my laptop. When I built my kernel 
> (2.2.19) I made
> sure to enable it and have verified in /var/log/dmesg that the module(s) gets 
> loaded.
> However, when I try to run a sample sound application (in this case, a JMF 
> applet using
> Java 1.3) the code throws exceptions about being unable to find any MIDI or 
> line hardware.
> How else can I verify that my sound equipment is properly working?

  you might be better off using alsa

  use the simplest tools available:

  lsmod to see whether sound modules are rerally loaded

  oss: cat /dev/sndstat
  alsa: /proc/asound/

  run native mixer (e.g. alsamixer for alsa)

  run some audio player (again, native to your driver)

  run simple midi app (NOT java). if you hear no sound you might need to
load soundfonts (for (some) wavetable cards, not needed for FM synths)

  see how far you get along this way... post any error messages you get
etc... (but ignore java or more complex apps for now, just go with the
most trivial apps possible)


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