On Monday, 2. July 2001 15:22, Joost Kooij wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 03:03:02PM +0200, tim wrote:
>                ^^^
>           Where is the '-'?
> Never "su", alway "su -".  There is a reason for it.  It is not to
> hassle you with having to change directories.

thanks for the typ. I was allways wondering why the shell is owned by the old 
user after su.....

> > Password:
> > tim:/home/tim# xawtv
> > This is xawtv-3.53.1, running on Linux/i686 (2.4.5)
> > Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> > Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
> > Error: Can't open display: :0
> 1st solution (lame, don't run x programs as root):
> $ su -
> # export DISPLAY=:0
> # export XAUTHORITY=~tim/.Xauthority
> # xapp &

works! but dissapears after relogin. So where do I need to place it that it 

> 2nd solution (superior):
> # adduser tim video
> # exit
> $ newgrp
> $ xawtv &
> You see, debian has this all figured out for you.  Tv devices are owned
> by group "video".  Just make sure that you're in that group and you're set.

xawtv was just the first app I recalled, the same thing happens with 
Btw. I changed the permission for the video device to 666. I guess what you 
are mentioned is the more common way!? 
But then I have to change to the video group before i start xawtv, because 
users can only be in one group at time, right ?

> > When I start into runlevel 2 and startx I set the permission with "xhost
> > myhost". This is secure enough for me because its my privat firewalled
> > network. But xhost doesnt work in runlevel 5...
> ?  This is news to me.  How come?

I did as tim "xhost tim" with the intention to let everybody access the 
display who is on hostname tim, but it didnt work

thanks you very much. Your reply was really helpful


> Cheers,
> Joost

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