On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 10:03:16PM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:
| Jesper Holmberg wrote:
| > 
| > What is the recommended way of adding support for the scroll wheel
| > (Logitech mouse) under X4.0.3 and Woody?
|   here's what I have, it's for the mouseman wheel (with the sidebutton):

I tried this with my MouseMan Wheel (the USB/PS2 kind with the
USB->PS2 adapter on) and the wheel didn't work.  Are you using gpm?  I
am, and I tried setting its protocol to 'mman'.  That could be my
source of trouble.  However, using "IMPS/2" in X and "imps2" in gpm
works (with 4/5 as wheel) but the side button and the wheel button are
both the "middle" button.


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