On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 11:52:03AM -0400, Chuck Stickelman wrote:
| D-Man wrote:
| > What does the "single" argument to the kernel mean?  (check Linux
| > docs, not grub).  I am not familiar with it and that may be causing
| > the problem.
| the `single` argument on the kernel command line stops the boot process
| before  it goes into multi-user mode (you get the prompt to enter the root
| password or type Ctrl-D to continue booting).


| > Just to start over, and since I didn't pay much attention to the
| > beginning of the thread, where does the booting fail and what message
| > do you get?  Does grub manage to load the menu.lst file?  Did you
| > include Resierfs support in the kernel, not as a module?
| >
| Ok.  There's been a lot of suggestions and I've tried many things.
| I can get the GRUB menu to come up - no problem.
| I can get the system to boot my 2.4.5 kernel - no problem.
| I can get the 2.4.5 kernel to mount ext2 FS as root - no problem.
| Once I have an ext2 root I can mount a reiserfs partition - no problem.
| I've double checked that reiserfs support is built into the kernel and not
| as a module.
| I can get the kernel to boot and mount the reiserfs as root but it generates
| a kernel panic as it can't find `init` - BIG PROBLEM.
| Now, I know that there is an /sbin/init on the reiserfs.  Here's how I've
| checked:
| I've mounted the FS and physically looked.
| I've been in the GRUB command line and run `find /sbin/init` and it's returned
| every drive that I'd expect it to return.  (With some exceptions I'll go into
| in a minute...)
| Questions:
| Does GRUB support reiserfs?  The answer seems to be "Yes!"
| Does the kernel have reiserfs support built-in?  Appears to also be "yes".
| Is GRUB installed correctly?  I NOW NOT SO SURE.  I do get a GRUB
| menu.  But... when I drop out to the GRUB command line I don't think
| it's reading my device.map file... though the partitions I'm working with
| are all on /dev/hda (which GRUB correctly sees as (hd0)).
| Does GRUB load the kernel? Yes.

I think, then, that grub is fine -- it has no trouble loading the menu
and the kernel from disk.  Once the kernel is loaded the machine is no
longer under the control of the boot loader.

| Does the kernel load the reiserfs FS as root?  yes.
| Does the kernel find `init` and continue booting?  NO!

I think there must be a kernel problem somewhere because everything up
to the kernel loading is fine.

How about adding "init=/bin/sh" to the kernel line in your grub
config?  This instructs the kernel to use /bin/sh (provides a root
shell) instead of the usual SysV init.  

If this still fails, then try to get an ext2 disk somewhere (floppy,
whatever) and put sh on it.  Then try again using that ext2 disk for
the init= argument, and maybe the root partition also.  These are just
to see that the kernel can, indeed, start init.

Say, can you boot with a different disk, then mount that reiser disk
and run /sbin/init on it?  Are the perms ok on init (should that even
matter during bootup?)?  Maybe init is broken or something?


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