On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 11:52:35AM -0500, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
| * Lamer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
| > > This would also (theoretically) lead to less power consumption and a
| > > lower electric bill.  Pretty nice!  Say, does that HLT instruction
| > > work on a i486 or only on newer CPUs?  I also seem to recall, back
| > > when I was learning m68k assembly, that the halt instruction on there
| > > shouldn't be used if you want to ever do any procesing again (without
| > > a reboot).
| > 
| > however, i hate 68k assembly so much because i don't know how can i use a
| > "complete text-mode" on an apple.. 
| ... which is precisely why decent schools use amigas to teach m68k assembly.

Maybe I don't go to a decent school <wink> but we had custom m68k
boards.  They weren't apples and they weren't amigas.  They were
hooked up to win9x boxes through the serial port and we used hyper
terminal to send the cross-assembled code to the board.  They had a
"tutor" prompt which was some sort of program that handled the
transfer of code to the board and also debugging stuff like stepping
through instructions and displaying the register contents.  BTW, most
of those boards died before the end of the quarter.  On a few
occaisions I saw the PC (that's "program counter", not "personal
computer") skip a byte or two which would result in a address trap.


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