On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 04:58:23PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hi!
| My name is Jim. Windows is a pain in the neck so i decided to use linux ;o) 

Great!  Welcome to the community.

| But i have a problem with the install. I downloaded the three mirror files 
| (.iso) and made myself the debian cds.
| When i start to install Linux, everything is fine until i get to this spot:
| Install the operating System kernel and the Device Drivers
| I choose to install from the 1st cd, but instead of asking me what kind of 
| interface type i want to use (master, slave, ...), the computer checks the cd 
| and then suddenly it wants to install debian from the rescue disk. But even 
| that is not working, because after ca 10 sec of loading i get the message, 
| that it was not possible to load the rescue disk (i downloaded the mirror and 
| made one).

Hmm.  If you are installing from CDs then you shouldn't need a rescue
disk.  Depending on which packages you want (and wether you want -dev
and older stuff too) you may only need 1 cd, or all 3.  I assume by
"rescue disk" you are referring to the floppy image (ie rescue.bin
that is about 1.4 MB).

| Did i do something wrong by creating the cds or the disk?

When you put the CDs in the drive, can Windows read them and tell you
what files are on them?  If so the cds are fine.  How about with the
rescue disk?  If Windows can read the rescue disk, then it is messed
up.  The image, rescue.bin, is an exact binary duplicate of the bits
that should be on the floppy disk.  The floppy needs to be created
with a program, such as 'dd', that will dump the raw bits to the disk.
You will then have a compressed ext2 filesystem on the disk, which
windows can't read.


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