On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 06:53:51PM +1000, Steve Kowalik wrote:
| On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 04:05:10PM +1000, Brian May uttered:
| > Well, in theory, all UDP packets could be numbered, much like TCP
| > packets, and you get exactly the same reliability TCP offers. This
| I doubt that. UDP isn't a connection oriented protocol, and as such, it
| can't deal with a packet out of order.

Actually, what Brian says makes sense.  UDP itself can't deal with a
packet out-of-order, but Brian says that the application using UDP can
deal with it itself.  Kind of like re-inventing the wheel.  He said
the nice thing about TCP, in this situation, is that other people have
already done that dirty work so he (the app developer) doesn't need to
worry about it.

Thanks everyone for the comments on NFS and diskless terms.


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