On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 01:39:03PM -0700, allen wayne best just ramblin in his 
amx wrote:
> initially, i had the setup as 
> disk
> disk
> cd-rom
> disk
> with all jumpers (master/slave) appropriatly set.
> and as previously noted, redhat 7.1 (2.4.2) saw the configuration, 
> debian (2.2.12) did not.
> do to double check jumpers, and just out of curiosity, i switched hdc and hdd.
> now both linux's see all four drives. (which still begs the question why 
> debian did not before.... but that is just a side issue now. it works.
> thanks to martin for his kind help.

As a test case case, you could try the debian 2.2.12 kernel in redhat.
You'd probably get the same problems in redhat with the same kernel.

What is your ide controller, I'll bet it's a driver issue.


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