On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:26:36AM +1000, Joel Mayes wrote:
> Paul Huygen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 4) I have installed lpr and magicfilter and that runs fine. However, I
> >    understand that CUPS is a modern alternative for the two (am I right?)
> I as understand it yes, it also offers beter drivers/filters for new printer
> then lpr or lprNG and it's much easier to configure

Neither lpr nor lprng is supposed to do any filtering, you have to
configure them to let another program, like magicfilter or apsfilter,
do that if necessary. 

The differences with cups are that cups implements the functionality of
both the lpd and the filter in one, and that it has a gui for setting 
it up and managingthe printer queue.  Apart from the gui, it does nothing
new afaik.



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