On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 02:46:55PM +1000, Drew Parsons wrote:
> I've been trying to burn a CD using gcombust.  
> For some reason the burn got stuck halfway through (the output of
> cdrecord, which gcombust calls, said that all of a sudden one of the
> SCSI commands couldn't be understood.  It's a HP USB CDWriter using
> the usb-storage module, which uses a series of scsi modules.)

Well, so much for the stability of scsi over usb.

> I closed gcombust and tried running it again to blank the CD and start
> again.  But it turns out that the old cdrecord processes are still
> running:
> $ ps aux | grep cdrecord
> root      1978  0.0  0.2  1412  232 pts/0    D    13:39   0:00
>         /usr/bin/cdrecord -reset dev=1,0,0
> root      1983  0.0  5.8  5512 5512 pts/0    DL   13:42   0:00
>         /usr/bin/cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -load
> root      2018  0.0  5.8  5512 5512 pts/0    DL   13:53   0:00
>         /usr/bin/cdrecord -v -dummy -pad speed=4 dev=0,6,0 blank= all
> The state is "D", which means uninterruptible: the processes do not
> respond to kill -9.

They will, once they can be interrupted again.

> Is there any way short of rebooting that I can clear these processes
> out?

Other than removing the cdr medium, resetting the peripheral, removing
and reinserting the driver modules (if at all possible) or some sort of
futzing with the usb interfaces, rebooting may be the only thing.



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