On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 01:08:00PM -0500, Matthew Garman wrote:
> Is there a package that will give me some "high resolution" fonts, or at
> least allow my existing fonts to scale better?
> For example, I would like to design a simple logo for my website using the
> gimp.  If I use my text tool to create *large* text, then the text comes
> out looking very pixelized (i.e. squared off or "boxy", no smooth edges).
> Also, I noticed that in mozilla, any text surrounded by the <h1> tag
> suffers from the same problem: the characters aren't smooth.
> Any ideas?

For X11 in general, make sure that you have the xfonts-scalable installed
or that you are running a truetype fontserver and have some truetype font 
sets installed.

For gimp: look at the freefont and sharefont packages.  The gimp package
actually contains suggests: for these packages.  Did you use dselect to
install the gimp package?  "Raw" apt-get ignores all recommends: and
suggests:, but these are there for a reason.  Use dselect.

For the mozilla problem, configure it to use scalable fonts, and install
scalable xfonts or install a truetype fontserver.



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