On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Mike Randall wrote:

>I'm a Linux newbie and am attempting to install XF86 with Debian 2.2r3.
>I get this error message when running the configuration utility:
>*** The server required by your card is not installed! Please abort,
>install the SVGA server as /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA and run this program
>again. ***

Which card?  xserver-svga is pretty generic, but there are some
specialized ones that you may need to look at other xservers for.

>So how do I get the XF86_SVGA server/file installed from the CD rom
>images I made?

If you have apt configured, apt-get xserver-svga

If not, use dselect to pull it off the CD.

Failing that, mount the CD, find xserver-svga.deb (there will be some
largely irrelevant numbers after, so don't paste that exactly), and dpkg

I'm surprised that the potato tasksel let you off without xserver-svga...

>Fortunately, I do know my way around Unix systems as a user. I can
>navigate the file system, mount the CD and use vi for basic stuff.
>Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
>Thank you,

FINE, I take it back: UNfuck you!

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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