On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 11:43:20AM -0400, D-Man wrote:
> Ok, to tell more of the story I really put "setenv LESSCHARSET
> iso8859" into my .cshrc on the Solaris box at school (they have csh as
> default, I always run bash after I log in) where I am now reading and
> writing this mail.  You need to tell less what charset to use.  If
> less is running on a remote box you need to set the environment
> variable on the remote box.  When you log in to a box remotely it is
> just as if you are sitting in front of it.  Do the same thing there as
> you would do for your local box.


I followed this thread, and I tried the export trick, but no results.  I
still get a whole bunch of characters being screwed up.  How do we know
if mutt is using less for it's pager?

Please bear with my ignorance :)

Thanks in advance,

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