On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 05:09:47PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> I think he's making a joke at the expense of all the people who have
> experienced the sircam worm.

Woa!  You made me grab for my Hendrix mp3's...

  "Have you ever been experienced?"

I think the sircam victims had a pretty bad trip.  Still, they're the
lucky ones, they learnt not to click on things in the mail the gentle way.
The next form of foot-and-mouth will be smarter and more damaging as well.

The joke is at the the people who deny that this is only going to get
worse with each new generation of viruses being smarter and each new
generation of internet users being dumber when they first meet the net.

Really I agree with Karsten's technical arguments, I just think that it
is also important that people "experience" the relevance of standards.

You can either cry about the facts or laugh at them.  It won't make them
go away either way, but at least they look better when you laugh.



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