#include <hallo.h>
Shriram Shrikumar wrote on Sat Jul 28, 2001 um 03:58:24PM:

> does anyone know an easy way of converting a ext2 partition to
> resierfs and is it worth it ?

Are you looking for an fast journaling file system? Try ext3 - the only
thing you have to change is

- patch the kernel:
  http://www.uow.edu.au/~andrewm/linux/ext3/ext3-usage.html (2.4.x) or
  ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/sct/ext3/ (2.2.x)
- change ext2 to ext3 in /etc/fstab
- create the journal file (with newer tune2fs, e2progs from woody should
  be sufficient)

Learn also the usage of tricks like:
lilo: Linux init=/bin/bash
mount / -o remount,rw
<work on it>
umount /

C: Ich möchte nicht länger "Junge" genannt werden. Ich finde den Ausdruck
   demütigend und sexistisch.
   H: Wie möchtest Du dann genannt werden?          [aus "Calvin and Hobbes"
   C: "Genetisch bevorzugter Jugendlicher".                    by Watterson]

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