On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 05:14:21PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
> hi ya robert
> after you install the new disks... let it do its magic to resync
> itself.... ( dont write any new info to it for a while )
> watch the counter/timer to see when its done resyncing back to its 
> happy self...

No need to wait...

>       cat /proc/mdstat
>       - should tell you how long it has before finished sync'ing
>       - if your master died... you should wait...
>       - if your slave(mirror) died... you should be able to continue
>         but risky ... donno what happens when it has too much stuff to
>         sync up
> since oyu have to install the new hard disk,,,
> - i assume yu already shut down.... and installed the new disk and 
>   formated it etc... and power up
> - BEFORE installing the replacement disk... i'd make sure it still
>   boots in degraded mode before you install the new disk
>       - make sure you can boot...first...
>       - make a boot floppy if you have to...and test the boot floppy
> - once the new disk is installed, just keep going... no need to shutdown
>  again.. until AFTER it finished resyncing...

No need to shutdown at all, unless there are other reasons...

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