"G.Lepir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi there!
> I have an AmigaPPC with a BVision graphics card!
> I have seen Debian with a Gnome interface thingy working on a PPC Equiped 
> Amiga and have been totally blown away by it! Have
> not been able to speak or find said person!
> How and where can I find the PPC Amiga version and drivers for the BVision 
> graphics card!

Look under http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc for more info, and if
you need help specific to the PowerPC port, you would probably be
better off using the debian-powerpc mailing list.

Good luck.

> I have looked through the site and am confused very much so!
> Have never used or loaded Linux ever!
> I would appreciate it heaps if someone could bow down to my level and help me 
> out!
> Yours Faithfully!
> G.Lepir!
> Thanx for your time!
> Looking forward to using Linux!
> :)

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