Thus spoke someone (who's name I've stupidly forgotten):

        Subject: upgrading more then one box by downloading the files once!
        Date: Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 11:46:59AM +0200

In reply to:Arno Baier

Quoting Arno Baier([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> hi folks,
> i have 3 woddy boxes and until now i made for each a upgrade by downloading
> each file three times. now i want to set up x and kde, these are to many
> files to
> download them three times.
> is ther any solution to download the files and store them
> and upgrade the other boxes with these files?
> i will not set up an mirror, to low internet connection - to many files !

I have done it 3 ways.

1) Set the /var/cache/apt/archive directory as an NFS dir, mount it on
the system to upgrade.

2) Use ssh.  scp the files you want to the other boxen archives
directory.  I used this now as it was faster and less work.

3) If you have a cd burner bnd all the system have a cdrom, backup the
archives dir to cd.  Option 2 is still faster.

Mike Pfleger

There's seventy brilliant people on earth.
Where are they hiding?
"Yashar" -Cabaret Voltaire (off of "2x45")

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