hi ya bob

...beg/borrow/steal a (real) dds1, dds2, dds3 ide tape drive...
        - hp series, exabyte series, etc

and try to read/write to that drive

c ya

On 11 Aug 2001, Bob Koss wrote:

> >>>>> "Alvin" == Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Alvin> if the device is made properly... it should be like
>     Alvin> crw-rw---- 1 root disk 37, 0 May 5 1998 /dev/ht0
>     Alvin> until "ls -la /dev/ht0" looks liek the above line...  there
>     Alvin> is no point to doing any mt/tar commands..
> Okay, a few chgrp's and chmod's later, my ls -al looks like you want
> it to look. 
> But I still get:
>     mt -f /dev/ht0 rewind 
>     mt: /dev/ht0: Input/output error

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