>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Patrick> Also, I believe I am configuring xdm (or something like
    Patrick> it) to manage my windows.  I'm not sure if it has
    Patrick> something to do with this or not, but everytime I boot up
    Patrick> (even with an emergency backup floppy), the X-Windows
    Patrick> tries to start up and the screen goes black again.  I
    Patrick> have reinstalled Debian 3 times to try and figure out
    Patrick> what's going on, and haven't seemed to make any progress.
    Patrick> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

Look at section 10.5 of README.dri in /usr/doc/xserver-xfree86, 
Mind you this is with X 4.1 YMMV


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