highlighting is (or was ... still is in some ways) one of the
squirrelinesses re: bluefish. syntax highlighting doesn't seem to be
exactly "as - you - type" but is updated by pressing the F5 key. on my
machine this scrolls down the current file & eventually returns you to the
spot you were at.

bluefish is a neat editor package and should be vigorously supported ...
on my system there are occasional fluffs re: cursor placement and other
oddities - I don't know whether others have experienced same - that have
tied me fairly close to Emacs. but i do fire up bluefish from time to time
to enjoy the new features. :)

 On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Andre Berger wrote:

> * Daniel Toffetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-08-21 09:31 +0200:
> > Is there any graphical HTML composer which runs happily on Woody and
> > KDE ?  I don't need any advanced features, only lists, performatted
> > paragraphs and the like. I just want to avoid typing the tags...
> >
> > Daniel
> Do you know bluefish? The potato version seems to be uncapable of
> syntax higlighting, the woody version might be(?).
> A. B.                                  andre DOT berger AT web DOT de

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