On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 02:16:42PM -0700, Duncan Watson wrote:

:ssh is not an option as the hosts I actually need to use don't have ssh and
:I am not an admin on all of them.

That sucks :( 

You can run sshd on a high port as joe_user, if you configure the
client to accept that weirdness.  But clearly that's the wrong thing
for you (or atleast not the solution to the problem at hand) 

:I need to get tcp X connections working.  Hell I even delved down into
:xauth man pages.  I was really hoping that would help.

Scarry stuff, that man page.

well, you've done the xhost +<host>, set the DISPLAY variable on the
remote session, and checked that the "-nolisten tcp" flag is *not*
being sent at X startup, hummm.

Have you verified that X is really listening?  "netstat -tl" will show
all listening tcp ports you shouls see port 6000 open if display :0 is
listening (6001 for :1 etc.)

If it really is listening, I'd start wondering about packet filtering
rules, have you messed around with ipchains or iptables (I'm assuming
you've run remote clients from these machines else where and no
filtering is going on there)?


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