On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 09:42:42AM +0200, Florian Kessler wrote:
> Am 29.08.2001 21:55 Uhr schrieb Sven Hoexter unter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Florian,
> > hehe, there is a $$$ product avaible from HP. It's called HP Openmail
> > (www.openmail.com) and its NOT OPEN its simply closed source soft but it
> > should act like an M$ Exchange Server.
> > Second matter is that it's only avaible for RH (I tried an installation on
> > a SuSE 7.1 and Progeny 1.0 system and both failed).
> > After that I kicked the rpms for another week in a corner of my hd and than
> > gave the test version another try on a fresh RH 7.x system and uh it startet
> > up. Then I searched for a little bit more documentation and couldn't find I
> > thing.
> > 
> > My opinion: Test the trash and then use simple IMAP/POP/SMTP solutions!
> > 
> > my 2 cent

> you´re right...if only mail is the thing. But what about sharing calenders?
> How am i able to give outlook users a backend for their calenders?
There are several solutions you can think about.
One I would prefer is a web based solution like phpgroupware etc.
Another solution is the StarOffice calendar Server. I haven't testet
it at all but I heard a few voices saying something positiv about it ;-)

That might be the free way to do it ...

Subject: Re: woody hanging
> WRT subject.
> $ apt-get install viagra ;-)
[Karsten M. Self in debian-user]

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