On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 05:56:39PM +0000, Giri X wrote:
| Hi
| I recently installed Debian on a ayatem that had Win2k on it b4. I made 2 
| partiotions using GNU Parted and put Debian on the second. But after the 
| installation of Debian, I am not able to boot into Win2k. I checked 
| /etc/lilo.conf. It had only 2 images, vmlinuz and old*.*(forgot the exact 
| thing). There was no Windows image. So now i can boot only into Debian but 
| now windows.
| I ran fdisk from Linux and the partion table shows 3 partitions:
| /dev/hda1  Win95 boot
| /dev/hda2 linux
| /dev/hda3 swap
| what is the problem and the solution ??

You won't have an image in /boot for windows.  You need to chainload
the M$ boot loader.  I have no idea how to actually make this work
with lilo (I tried a while ago, but gave up after many failures).
With grub it is quite trivial, however :

title  Windows
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Debian
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 read-only apm=on


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