* ktb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>  "sleep" is what your looking for. "sleep 10s" to wait 10 seconds.  
> Take a look at the fetchmail man page.  Fetchmail has several exit codes so
> you can write your script to say, 'wait 15m when your isp doesn't respond
> before trying again' and other fun stuff.

Hey guys.

Yup; I just hijacked another thread, but my question is related.  If I
want to have system-wide fetchmail started with the usual script in:
but have it wait to make sure that sendmail is actually running before
it starts, what would I have to do to the /etc/init.d/fetchmail script?
It occurs to me that the sendmail script might be better to modify. (?)
I am still _really_ green in terms of shell scripting, so please bear
with me.  What I was thinking was that the sendmail script could call
the fetchmail script with the "start" token, once it's in "accepting
connections" mode.

Any help with this is appreciated.

Mike Pfleger

There's seventy brilliant people on earth.
Where are they hiding?
"Yashar" -Cabaret Voltaire (off of "2x45")

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